It’s been difficult, being cooped up in my home with my husband and kid without much time to plan or research how to effectively do it. I’ve worked from my kitchen island, my living room floor, and my backyard. There was a brief moment when my child was my desk because she insisted on laying across my lap and playing with the strings on my sweatpants for a half hour. I have a home office, but I set that up long before I became a parent/remote worker and didn’t realize that sharing a wall with a nursery might cause some problems for both of us.
I’ve written content for this blog for many years now, and I come across articles all the time that warn against working from bed. After a week of defaulting to my bed when every other space in my home feels overused, or taken over by a small child, I understand why.
Don’t use our products as your work space.
I’m improvising a lot right now, but the one space I refuse to sacrifice to work moving forward is my bedroom. We’re all learning how to work during a global pandemic, so take this tip seriously.
(I’d like to take this moment to exclude the Pouch from this PSA, as long as it lives somewhere outside of your bedroom.)
I know. What kind of company tells you not to use the stuff they’ve lovingly crafted more than you normally would?

Your sleep suffers when your bedroom becomes a multipurpose room.
I’ll be the first to admit that it’s tempting to crawl under my Down Duvet and Linen Sheets—in Charcoal, if you’re wondering—and take a few calls. We wouldn’t be here if our mattresses weren’t insanely comfortable. But, studies have consistently shown that when your bed becomes your desk, dining room table, and couch, you’re more prone to sleep issues. Even the best work culture still has stressful moments, and without the ability to walk out of the office and leave it all behind, you’re asking for trouble relaxing at the end of the night if you’ve spent all day amped up from your bed.
Train your body to know that sitting down on your mattress at the end of the night is truly that—the end. No responding to emails, no taking calls, no last minute Slack catch-ups before you doze off.
Healthy sleep and work environments are direct opponents, as they should be.
Your brain needs cues from light to sleep and function correctly. During the day, bright light keeps your brain in Do Things mode, and as the sun sets and light gradually fades, your brain starts rolling into Don’t Do Things mode, by producing melatonin. Your bedroom should be a dark, calm space that encourages this transition. Your work space should be bright, light, and exciting to help you be productive.
Cornell University conducted a study that found that people who worked near a window were 2% more productive and 10% less likely to feel drowsy in the afternoon. Exposure to natural light, even if just by a window, can boost your output and keep you thinking bigger throughout the day. As the evening sets in and your light exposure decreases, your body naturally recognizes that it’s time to wind down.
Ending your night in a dark, cool bedroom is the ideal way to drift off to sleep. Separate your spaces, and see how much changes for your days and nights.

No one designs a mattress for sitting.
This is a simple truth: our products are designed for comfort when you sleep. Unless you’re like my seven month old and just figuring out how to sit and believe bedtime to be perfect for practicing, you’re probably sleeping horizontally. Sitting on a mattress can be comfy for awhile, but hunching over a laptop for hours on end isn’t great for your posture. No amount of pillows can make up for sitting properly, and the effects of repeatedly sitting slumped don’t take long to take hold on your muscles and spine.
We’re all going out less right now and limited in our ability to stay active, we don’t need to compound our issues with bad posture.
Staying home for the foreseeable future can seem daunting, but our team is doing our best to share sleep tips whenever possible. We are relying on the wisdom of our fully remote team members and sharing any knowledge we have to make this transition easier on all of us.
For more tips and tricks from our team, stay tuned and follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.