Mattress Maintenance 101: How to Take Care of Your Mattress & Keep It Clean
October 18, 2023
Author: Chanahra Fletcher
Like a well-oiled machine or a carefully-loved antique, a properly maintained mattress can last many years. With the right care and correct cleaning, your mattress can provide the comfort and support you need (and love) for a significant amount of time. But, sometimes, its maintenance just isn’t at the top of our to-do lists. From washing your linens to folding the laundry, it can be easy to forget when and how to care for your mattress. But, that’s where we come into play. Whether you’re researching how to make a mattress last longer, or just discovering that you can (and should) clean it, read on for our tips on how to keep a mattress clean and comfy for years to come.
Buy a Mattress Protector
The first step to properly maintaining your mattress is, coincidentally, one that mitigates other maintenance tips: buying a mattress protector. A mattress protector is a fitted cover created to protect your bed from dirt and common spills. Designed to fit between your mattress and your fitted sheet, it works as a barrier to stop dirt, dander, sweat, and other liquids from reaching, soiling, or staining your mattress. While there are many options available, we specifically recommend purchasing a waterproof mattress protector. A waterproof mattress protector ensures you can sweat, spill coffee, or handle the “uh-ohs” that come with a growing family—all without damaging your mattress’s surface.
Follow Cleaning Instructions
If you decide not to use a protector, the inevitable dirt, sweat, or liquid is bound to soil your mattress. Whether you need to clean blood stains on your mattress from a leaking bandaid or get pee out of the fabric from a potty-training toddler, the steps you take to clean your mattress can determine its lifespan. Applying traditional cleaning solutions can damage or deteriorate the foams within your mattress, so it’s important to follow your mattress’s cleaning instructions closely.
Most mattresses are spot-clean only—meaning, to clean the surface, you should gently blot the stained area with a damp sponge or cloth. To avoid damaging the mattress’s fabric cover or interior foams, make sure to only use a small amount of water-based cleaning solution, such as water or vinegar. To effectively clean The T&N Original Mattress, we recommend:
- Gently blotting the soiled area to remove excess moisture
- Spraying a 50/50 mixture of vinegar and water onto the soiled area
- Sprinkling a small amount of baking soda over the area to soak up moisture, then letting it stand for 8-10 hours
- Repeating all steps as needed until the stain is mostly removed
- Vacuuming the baking soda residue off or using a damp cloth to blot it away
Once cleaned, use a hairdryer on the lowest setting or a fan to completely dry the surface. This will prevent mold or mildew from growing from the damp spot.
If you own a Tuft & Needle Mint or Mint Hybrid mattress, cleaning the mattress surface is easier than ever. Simply zip off the mattress’s top cover, leaving the bottom cover on. Then, machine-wash it in cold water with mild detergent, ensuring you do not use bleach. Tumble dry on the low heat setting, and reattach your newly cleaned cover. To clean the Mint or Mint Hybrid bottom cover, follow the spot-clean directions listed above.
Vacuum Semi-Annually
Even if you diligently wash your sheets weekly and use a mattress protector, dust, dead skin cells, and hair can still find their way to your mattress’s surface. This accumulation of dirt and dander can be an ideal breeding ground for dust mites. While dust mites are generally harmless, they can aggravate the symptoms of those with asthma and allergies—leading to runny nose, watery eyes, and even asthma attacks. To prevent this, we recommend vacuuming your mattress surface once every six months. Using a (freshly cleaned) brush attachment or upholstery attachment, vacuum your mattress in sweeping, horizontal lines from right to left. Once finished, vacuum your mattress again in vertical lines from top to bottom. While simple, following these steps every six months can result in a fresher, cleaner mattress for longer.
Rotate Your Mattress
Most mattresses are designed to conform to your unique body shape—giving you the support and pressure relief you need to sleep well. However, after months of sleeping in the same position, your body can inevitably leave body impressions on the surface. While these impressions don’t usually affect the support of your mattress, they can look unsightly. To resolve this issue, rotate your mattress 180º every six months, turning the top of the mattress to the foot of the bed. This will ensure even wear across both sides of the mattress, so it can continue looking as great as it feels.
Sleep Well For Years To Come With T&N
A mattress is a big investment. Thus, it’s essential to maintain mattress care. Luckily, though, Tuft & Needle mattresses are as low-maintenance as they are comfortable. With the Mint and Mint Hybrid mattress’ washable, removable cover, you can rest easy knowing there’s a simple cleaning solution to dirt, spills, and accidents. And, since all of our mattresses are made with our bounce-back, T&N Adaptive® foam, they’re much less likely to have any unsightly body impressions. While properly maintaining a T&N mattresses is essential to its lifespan, we created three quality options that make routine care easy—so you can focus on maintaining the most important thing: a great night’s sleep.
P.S. We know your mattress isn’t the only thing that can suffer from an accidental uh-oh. Whether you want to care for your new linen sheets or just spilled coffee on your favorite foam pillow, check out our extensive guides to keep all your bedding quality for years to come: