What's The Best Mattress For Back Pain?
October 23, 2017
Author: Shelly Weaver-Cather
If you’ve caught yourself frantically Googling “back pain mattress” or “best mattress for back pain” we can pretty safely assume that you aren’t comfortable with your current sleep setup—and that you’re in a world of hurt. We can also assume that you’re willing to throw bags of cash at anything that promises to cure the sharp stabbing in your spine or the throbbing in your lower back. Pain is a universal motivator.
If we wanted to, we could show all of our reviews from customers who say we solved all of their problems, that we’re the best mattress for lower back pain, or the best mattress for bad back problems in general, and we know you’d read each of them because you’re desperate and you want so badly to find the miracle product that will make it all go away.
You’d read them and then you’d give us your money.
We know this is the case because we’ve been there too.
We’re people that have had back pain, leg pain, arm pain, and maybe even more meaningful, the pain of an empty wallet that’s been baited with fear to purchase something that claimed it would make it all okay.
While other companies see your search terms and immediately convert them to dollar signs, we’re not going to.
Because we’ve been there, we won’t be preying on your vulnerability. Instead, we’ll try to provide as much useful information as possible.
First and foremost, talk with your doctor. You should always get an expert opinion before you start shopping and your doctor can help guide you as you move forward. They know way more than we do about your body and should be the first step in finding relief.
Now that you’ve chatted with a medical professional, we’d love to tell you about our mattress and you can decide if it’s something that’s right for you.
Our mattress is a medium-firm foam mattress made with proprietary materials that no one else has. We’ve designed it to be comfortable and supportive, soft without sinking you in, and long lasting so you can rest easy for many years to come. It’s backed with a 10-year warranty but more importantly, a 100-Night Sleep Trial.
This means you have over 3 months to give it a try and see how it impacts your pain, and if for some reason you aren’t getting the rest you need, you can return it with no hassle and no tricky policies.
In fact, we’ll walk you through the process now so that you know exactly what to expect if you do try our mattress and decide it isn’t the right comfort level.
You can email our team or give us a call and we’ll get working to find a non-profit in your area that can pick the mattress up. We like to donate our returned mattresses to someone in need, but we do have backup options if there isn’t a charity available.
Our team will ask what wasn’t right about the mattress, but no matter your answer we’re going to help. We just like to know so we can make decisions in the future based on customer feedback. Once we find a donation location, we’ll help you arrange a pickup time and as soon as you have a donation receipt, you can upload a photo and we’ll process the refund.
Simple, clear, and easy.
Now that you know what to expect, if you have any other questions our team is always available to help. You can email us at support@tn.com or give us a call at 877-842-2586.